A short history of Kinesiology

Kinesiology (kin – easy – ology) traditionally means “the study of mechanics of movement”.

In the 1960s a chiropractor, Dr George Goodheart combined muscle testing techniques with chinese acupressure create Applied Kinesiology. AK is only available to scientifically trained practitioners such as chiropractors, doctors and dentists.

In the 1970s another American chiropractor Dr. John Thie (a student of Goodheart’s) began teaching “Touch for Health” to anyone eager to learn. John was a devout christian, a great humanitatian and believed the miracle of kinesiology should be available to all. He passed away in August 2005 leaving a wonderful legacy to the world.

From humble beginnings, Kinesiology has become a highly respected and effective health system practiced by ordinary people, natural health practitioners and professional health care providers around the world. Kinesiology continues to make lasting differences in peoples lives.

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a muscle testing technique incorporating the muscle assessment of Kendall and Kendall from the 1940s with the ancient practice of chinese acupressure.

Kinesiology balances the bodies energy systems, creating positive results in your life.

Since the 1960s kinesiology has grown into one of the most integreted and wholistic modalities avaliable. It is one of the most versatile systems, with a enormous ability to be adapted to suit most of life’s challenges.

It is also one of the finest tools for creating powerful change in your life, whether for to health, wealth, career, relationships, learning , etc.

Why use Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is one of the most versatile tools for creating and maintaining a healthy, happy lifestyle. Kinesiology is the most effective tool for indentifying the imbalances in our lives at the emotional, mental. physical or spiritual level and corrected any imbalances in the bodies electromagentic energy field.

Human are electromagnetic systems, the ancient chinese and indian cultures undertood this and worked with these energy flows discovered how to rebalance the human body for health and vitality.

Motivational Kinesiology

Motivational Kinesiology was created in 1997 out of a desire to bring kinesiology back to the people. Over the years, what started as a simple an effective tool for maintaining the health for everyone had become elitist, complicated and expensive. Kinesiology is slowly being taken out of the reach fof those it was created for.

Motivational Kinesiolgy is in line with the origins of “a heathly life for all”. It is simple, effective and a powerful tool for everyone to bring about changes in their own lives or those of their family and friends.

MK was developed by Wayne Ellis with the assistance of Robyn Oxenham to help people to realise their full potential and lead an active, healthy and successful life.

It is simple to learn and use and offers practitioners and interested people a system they can readily apply without long hours of study and the associated costs. From Level one MK offers powerful skills that can improve the health and well being of most people.

Kinesiology applies these ancient laws with modern scientific breakthroughs to make your life work.

The MK Secret

The secret to success is doing, not only phsyically, but more importantly emotionally and mentally. Working with the core beliefs and primary fears, Motivational Kinesiology can quickly and effortlessly identify and assist us to release the patterns blocking our success, ourgoals and our desires.

Powerful yet gentle motivational techniques are incorporated with muscle monitoring (Kinesiology) to provide useful tools for self growth and self empowerment.

Motivational Kinesiology assists people to make life changes, allowing positive choice, inspiration, motivation & success for oneself & others.

Naturopaths, homeopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, body workers, Reiki and energy healers, or anyone with an interest in helping others will find Motivational Kinesiology a valuable tool to readily apply with their current skills.

Motivational Kinesiology, to some, seems unconventional. It is! Many conventional methods have not created the positive changes required.

MK works with the whole person to change core beliefs, habits or physical conditions that limit and control their lives.

It offers simple solutions to seemingly complex problems. The body is a highly organised & functional intelligence system.

Its natural success seeking response is stimulated by identifying & releasing the underlying reasons for lack of integration.

Motivational Kinesiology assists people to move towards who they really are by working with you, not on you.