Ionisation describes the balance of positive & negative ions. Every molecule has a nucleus of positively charged protons surrounded by a field of negatively charged protons. In stable molecules, these two forces are in balance (equilibrium). Electrons are 1800 times lighter than protons & can be easily displaced from their orbit. This produces a molecule with a negative charge. The original molecule becomes positively charged. These positive & negative molecules are referred to as “ions” & produce active electricity in the air.

When we breathe clean mountain air, go to the beach, around waterfalls & moving water (including showers) we absorb negative ions. The friction created by the movement of the molecules displaces electrons, creating an abundance of tiny negatively charged oxygen molecules. Thunderstorms & natural earth radiation also produce ionisation. These molecules are breathed into our lungs where they enter the blood stream.

Yogis understand this principle & have devised an exercise to assist the ionisation process in our bodies.

A positive current flows through the right nostril, which represents the Sun, the masculine principle. When feeling tired  close the left nostril and breathe through the right. Males breathe  mostly through the right and get worked up. The right side is hot.

A negative current flows through the left nostril, representing the Moon, the feminine principle. When a headache occurs close the right nostril and breathe through he left. Most women breathe through the left nostril, so they cool off faster. The left side is cold.

Breathing dominance changes every 20 minutes. Notice when you wake which nostril is dominate as you breathe.

Holding the right nostril closed with the thumb (of right hand), breathe slowly in through the left nostril.

Holding the left nostril closed with the middle finger, breathe out slowly through the right nostril.

Breathe in slowly through the right nostril (left nostril closed), close right nostril & breathe out through left.

Repeat this process for several minutes with slow, even breathing.

Ionisation is essential for complete electromagnetic & immune function, metabolic rate & thermal capacity. An imbalance in ions can affect physical, emotional, mental & spiritual health. Excessive positive ions can lead to sleepiness & tiredness especially in cars & planes. Internal haemorrhaging can occur & the body’s sodium levels can rise by 20%, interfering with the cells electrical properties.

When Serotonin (a Neuro-transmitter) levels change, it may lead to depression, psychosis, muscle twitches or convulsions, sexual dysfunction, fatigue or lethargy, migraine, low pain threshold, learning disabilities, poor sleep patterns, inablity to focus or feeling spacey, stomach or bowel complaints, asthma, anxiety or panic attacks, aggression & even suicide. Abnormal blood levels of serotonin have been shown to be present in many forms of psychiatric disorders & in mental retardation. Elevated Serotonin levels (Serotonin syndrome or hyperserotonemia) symptons are similiar if not the same as the negative side effects of Transendental Meditation. See the Scientia Institute. site for more information on Serotonin and TM.