People like to complicate health. In many cases it boils down to doing a couple of simple things regularly. It is not always the case but it might help.

1. Breath. This is the most important thing you do.

2. Drink healthy water. The body is a hydroelectric system. without enough water systems do not work properly

3. Eat less and eat organic or fresh. Cut back on the sugars and heavy meats.

4. Sunshine is important. Be sensible go out early morning or later afternoon when the sun is lower in the sky.

5. Exercise outdoors, walk, swim, cycle. Do simple exercise, most people are not top athletes so be kind to yourself.

6. Develop and attitude of gratitude. Look for and discover the good in everything. This is not being naive, it is simply reducing your stress.

7. Meditate or pray. Relax your mind so your heart can speak to you.

8. Have a vision which gives you direction and focus.

9, Connect with nature.

Try these simple steps and watch what happens.