I posted this comment the other day and received some interesting feedback. When we strip away all the different stories behind why someone is depressed some commonalities appear.

A lack of a clearly defined goal and a burning ambition for it’s achievement. What is not normally mentioned in this Napeleon Hill quote, is it must be heart centred and of betterment to society, not just self.

Many depressed people are bored, they are drifters with no real purpose to work for. Read “Outwitting the Devil” by Napeleon Hill.

They are unmotivated, usually related to living in their heads and out of touch with their hearts desires or soul.

Depression is a personality trait, Plato and those in older cultures recognised this.

Many years back, I had made some wrong choices and I was focussing on my mistakes. I created s very dark place for myself. Driving to visit family I had one cd in the car. For six hours I  played the Law of Attraction. My mood lifted, my passion returned and I cast off the dark cloak of negativity. I was willing to change, willing to learn and do what was needed.

Whether we want to admit it depression is only one of the options we can choose.

Interested in more, read Kissing the Black Dog.