Whilst many people strive to be better people, be kind and do the Right thing we are all prisoners to our past hurts, failures and lowered self of self. Some work to embrace these blocks to our ability to Love, others create a strong Wall Of Pain, cutting them off from their hearts and higher aspects of ourselves. In this space we live in a limited, materialistic and emotionally shallow world. We become the product of our Fear and settle into artificial world ,  a fantasy or delusion built on our unwillingness to accept a higher path.

We are the products of our past only when we refuse or are unwilling to embrace our pain, tame our inner demons, to grow. Within each of us in an unlimited ability to Love, to embrace our highest and most worthy values, and transmute the Chains of Pain that lock us into a life far below our potential. We settle for the world of our senses, the little us instead of realising we have the ability to create something better. Do enough research and it soon becomes obvious there is another way. The path goes by many names and is hidden in plain sight in every great religion or philosophy. It is so simple we tend to overlook it. The Secret is Love, that power that stands above all others. Love dissolves Fear by embracing it. Love gives us the courage and faith to believe there is more, we are better than this.

Life can be cruel, hurtful and potted with disappointments when we are slaves to the senses, the materialistic 3D world before our eyes. We believe what we see, hear and feel without ever questioning its validity. Your senses will deceive us because what we take for real is not so. Life truly is an illusion that we have control over when we change from our limited world view to a more wholistic, a more non linear, non physical view.

We have a non physical aspect that is beyond our physical senses, our observable world. An example, we see a tiny part of the light spectrum. It is there we can  not see it. We have a limited audible range, so much sound is become our ability to hear.  This also alpplies to our emotional spectrum, when we are closed down our ability to express the full range of human emotion and expression. We are physical and non physical and within this unobservable spectrum lies the Keys to Change Our Lives.

Whether to Think You Can

Or Whether You Think You Can’t

You Are Correct.

It IS The Thinking That Makes It So

Henry Ford

Finding the courage to step out of what we believe to be real, to move beyond the experiences of our past  hurts and experiences and view them differently, changes our perceptions. When we can move from the Thinking arena into the world of feeling we create the chance to embrace a different view, another way to experience life.

Whilst thoughts are things, they also are highly imaginative and left unbridled lead us to lie to ourselves. When we go deep beneath the surface turmoil, we reach within , touch the underlying feelings and the greater me, we have a chance to embrace something more beautiful. What we experience during times of pain are always the progeny of unresolved pain from the past, a Lie given expression.They are formed in those first years of life and sets the stage in which we attract the right players to fulfil our inner drama. If we were deeply loved, respected and given the tools to thrive we attract beautiful loving people. If we we hurt, betrayed, lied too, the drama becomes a living tragedy, with all the players supporting our false conceptions.

When we are willing to dive into our pain and mixed up behaviours, to look honesty at ourselves we give ourselves permission to create another story, one more in tune with where we want to be, more in line with the true us. We hold within our non physical self the ability to truly create the life we desire. It will take time, effort and courage to start out on a new path, to be willing to explore the concept that we can be so much more.

If the story you are living is not working would you consider writing a new one.?

Would you be willing to recognise that change is the only real option?

Are you willing to deal with the pain and fear to embrace Love?

Love resides beyond the Wall of Fear, and like all things in life make take a lot of truth seeking and honesty to look for the door unlock it and walk through. We ae not our past and we have the ability to create a better future. It comes down to the choices we make.


Here is a link to another article along similar lines. The Lies That Bind